Operating Model Review

Product Development activity is set to increase. In this cycle competition will be fiercer, speed to market critical, quality paramount, all combined with regulatory controls and budget constraints that create an environment in which there is  no room for error.

The Brief

ISC had been a long-term partner to a global asset manager when to review the operating model for their Real Estate Multi Manager funds. The drive for this programme was to support and integrate an expansion of the real estate business through external business acquisition and internal growth to gain market share.

Project Scope

The scope of the project was to conduct a detailed operating model review, which would identify gaps, “pinch points” and a schedule of recommendations to support the client's aims. The concluding part of the project focused on implementing a range of recommendations encompassing technology and organisational changes.

Our Role & Value

ISC role in the successful delivery of this project was to help the Client define and manage the transition to an enhanced operating model.

With any operating model review and implementation, the adaptation and evolution of the roles and responsibilities of people and their 'buy-in' are the keys to a successful project. In this case, ISC added value by working collaboratively with the senior stakeholders and business teams to facilitate the organisational change required.

The Outcome

The brief given to ISC at the beginning of the project was complex and made more challenging given the tight deadlines and commercial sensitivity of the project. As a result of the review and implementation, the client acquired two real estate fund of funds; moreover the updated operating model enabled both new business lines to be integrated into investment operations without interruption or inconvenience to normal BAU activities. This ensured the impact to the cost and resource base of the client was kept within the project’s parameters.

Consultant Reflections

“Having worked at ISC since 2007, we have seen two recessions, changes in working practices & the investment management sector along with a regulatory push that has transformed not only our clients but ISC. What has been constant is the dedication of the people at ISC and their commitment to partner with our clients for the long run.”

Simon Haque
Investment Solutions Consultants

May – Stroke Awareness Month

Here at ISC, we recognise the importance of increasing our awareness and understanding of stroke and its impacts. This month, we have a story to share. Our team member, Paul Lumsden, is a stroke survivor, and his journey offers an insight into some of the challenges faced by those affected by stroke.

By sharing his story, we hope to highlight the realities of the side effects of stroke, particularly the hidden effects, which encourages more people to stay informed and supportive.


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Stroke Awareness Month

ISC are turning purple for the month of May to help spread stroke awareness


ISC Newsletter May 2024

In this newsletter – meet our newest team member, hear more about an exciting partnership, our service updates, our forums and gain market insights from our experienced consultants.


The Benefits of a Tailored Regulatory Horizon Scanning

Every Asset Manager needs to know what regulation is coming along, and how their organisation will be affected. Horizon Scanning is the recommended technique for assessing upcoming regulatory requirements. But with so much regulation out there, wouldn’t it make sense to have a tailored horizon scan that only tells you what regulation specific to your firm (and explains why other regulation doesn’t impact you)? Click on the link in comments to find out why a tailored horizon scan could be just what your organisation needs..


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Welcome to our newest team member Paul Lumsden

ISC is pleased to announce that Paul Lumsden has joined the team as Senior Consultant

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We help with implementation

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ISC is all about helping our clients be successful. Clients receive a personal relationship with our talented and pragmatic consultants, whose goal is to help them achieve success.